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Rebel Dykes break cover!

This project has been ongoing now for about 9 months, what with the initial oral history stage (pre-production) when I met with a bunch of Rebel Dykes at the BFI Library down in London to conduct my first interviews. At this stage I colled a huge amount of unseen archive material, photos, videos, flyers and so much more.

This led to an mulit-media presentation which went down a storm at the 1st LGBT History Festival in Manchester in February this year, followed by a presentation at Lesbian Lives Conference in Brighton, and a performance at The Marlborough Theatre that evening with the wonderful Rita Lynch.

Since then I formed a film crew with the amazing Sian and Harri, whom I feel priviledged to know, never mind work with. We have been filming interviews all summer in London, Manchester, Women's Land (Lampeter) and Cardiff. We are off on our final filming weekend in London next weekend.

Now we are going public! Sadly we were unsuccessful in our funding bid, and so we are preparing the way for a big Indiegogo Crowdfunding bid in a few weeks. Watch this space if you want to help this film happen and become part of our supporters!

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